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Web Database Solutions
Shopping Carts
These shopping cart applications can be used to easily maintain your own products list and to sell via your website. These applications do not include automated pay functions. Orders are sent via email to the shop keeper. The email can contain a link to a page with your payment options or payment form.
If you are an affiliate with an online store and would like an easy way to maintain a database to list and display products any of the following would help to serve that purpose.
There are three versions available which can be further customized to meet your needs. These are demos only and the products are not available for sale on this site.
- Demo 1 - Single Category List.
- Demo 2 - Categories/Subcategories - for a more detailed list of product choices.
- Demo 3 - Category/Subcategory with gallery of photos (short display).
- Visit Redundant Cartridge to see a customized shopping cart application I created.
Database Features: (non inclusive)
- Display short listing which leads to full records (demo 3 shows images)
- Records can be displayed or hid using the validate feature by the administrator.
- Image Upload
- Printable format
- What's New
- Custom Search (Including price range search)
- Cookie mod
- Can choose to delete or store order email on server once sent
- Shipping charges are setup as price ranges (i.e. $ 0 - $ 6.50 = $25.00 shipping, etc.)
Please note: Email functions will not operate on this server. Admin function disabled.
For large databases such as shopping carts I find it best to use MSAccess to maintain the database (for easy prices changes, etc.) and then to export a pipe delimited text file (.db) to upload to the server.
For DBMan users this script is a highly customized version of O'grain's ORDERnary Mod. Functional description:
- When a new customer does a search and a result record is displayed there is a form to fill in to prepare the order: The user must enter his/hers e-mail address. The e-mail address is then used both as a name of a temporary file and as an identification that is passed along until the order is sent or cancelled. The user must confirm the address
- When the form has been approved the customer is returned to the same record where he/she now can fill in the number he/she wants of this specific item. This is at submit appended to the MAIL_ADDRESS.txt file.
- Then the customer comes to a confirmation page where the order so far is displayed (total number of items, total cost) and buttons for ORDER MORE ITEMS, CHECK ORDER, EDIT ORDER, SEND ORDER and CANCEL ORDER.
- At SEND ORDER the customer has to fill in the complete addressing details before the order file is sent to the shop keeper (with some additional tracing info). A copy is sent to the customer.
- CANCEL of course deletes the file without sending.
- EDIT makes it possible to delete marked items from the order (Not change number of items, I'm afraid)
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