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[ Creative Computing ]

Web Database Solutions

Are you looking for customized databases for your web site? Do you have a need for a self-maintaining web site using databases which are very easily maintained by the site administrator? On this site you will find several customized versions of the DBMan database administration script by Gossamer Threads.

The applications shown here can be customized to blend into YOUR web site. If you hire me to customize your script, you can also choose variations of the fields used and how the database will perform. This enables the scripts to be easily used for various applications. The applications listed below are demos which can be used to test the functionality of the scripts. Use the side menu links to learn more about each application.

These are just some examples of the various uses of databases. There are many more uses which can be accomplished to help automate your website.

Highly Customized:

Auto Listings   [ * ]   [ * ]

Realty Listings   [ * ]   [ * ]

Job Board   [ * ]   [ * ]

Classified Ads System   [ * ]   [ * ]

Ice Hockey - Players and Stats   [ * ]   [ * ]

Message Board (Advanced)   [ * ]

Personal Ads System

Shopping Cart (2 versions)

Basic Customization:

Member / Business Directory

Guest Book

Message Board (Standard)

Resource Links

News / Articles / Events

Free Classified Ads

      [ * ] = Relational - contains 2 or more databases (membership).
      [ * ] = Can be paid or free listings.

Contact me for other database ideas or your application needs.

Visit these sites for more information:

[ DBMan Custom installations | Creative's Web Design | Web References ]

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