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Terms of Use & Guidelines

[ Terms of Use | Description & Graphic Specifications ]

Classified Ad Guidelines:

Please note that max. characters for the description are the combined total of all description fields with the main topic area. You will also find various pre-defined select fields. Just select the choices that apply to your ad!

Description & Graphic Specifications

Classified / Description(s)Photo/Image
RegistrationMax. CharactersMax. Size Max. Bytes
Automotive200200 x 20010K or less
General Merchandise600200 x 20010K or less
Housing - Rentals300200 x 20010K or less
Real Estate - Selling / Buying800200 x 20010K or less
User Registration100n/a

Your graphics can be either .gif or .jpg and are uploaded when placing your ads.

It is very important if you prepare your description off line - that you save your ad copy as a text file prior to copying this text into the description areas! This will remove any extra spaces and hidden characters which are created in word processing programs. Failing to do so will result in extra formatting codes and spaces being added to your record. This could cause problems for your record and the database.

Your description must NOT include HTML tags. Ad pages are pre-formatted for a nice layout. When you want to include a paragraph break simply enter a carriage return and the script will automatically add these breaks in the display of the description fields. Remove any extra spaces at the end of paragraphs!.

Special Characters: - Be sure to AVOID using:   ""   @   #   %   $   ^   &   *. These characters may not display properly in all browsers.

Each classified section provides a unique form with various fields for submitting your ad. Required fields are denoted by an asterisk. Most of these fields are optional, although filling in more information will help in the success of your ad.

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Terms & Agreement of Use:

By registering to use Oregon Classifieds you are agreeing to abide by our Terms of Use.

In return for posting your classified ad, you agree that it is in compliance with our guidelines. We do not wish to censor or police the ads being posted here, nor do we have the time to monitor every posting. In order to prevent abuses by a few people and to keep this forum comfortable and appropriate for our general audience, which includes people of all ages, races, religions, and nationalities, we reserve the right to remove any ads in violation of our guidelines that are brought to our attention.

Therefore, all ads that are in violation of our guidelines are subject to being removed immediately and without prior notice. By posting an ad here, you agree to the following statement:

I agree that I will be solely responsible for the content of all classified ads that I post under this program and that I will indemnify Oregon Classifieds and hold it harmless for any losses or damages to myself or to others that may result directly or indirectly from any ads that I post here. I understand that if my ad violates the Terms of Use (TOS) my ad will be deleted and no refund will be provided.

By posting a classified ad here, you further agree to the following guidelines:

  1. No foul or otherwise inappropriate language will be tolerated. If used, your ad is subject to being removed immediately and without warning.

  2. No racist, hateful, or otherwise offensive comments will be tolerated.

  3. No ad promoting activities that would be illegal under the laws of the state of Oregon shall be allowed.

  4. Any ad that appears to be merely a test posting, a joke, or otherwise insincere or non-serious is subject to removal.

  5. No MLM, Get Rich Quick schemes, or Business Opportunity Postings!

  6. The Oregon Classifieds reserves the ultimate discretion as to which ads, if any, are in violation of these guidelines.

  7. DO NOT use all uppercase (caps) letters in any field entry as this is considered shouting and not acceptable on our site.

  8. NO HTML or JAVASCRIPT coding allowed within any ad!

Thank you. We hope that these terms of use and guidelines will make the Oregon Classifieds enjoyable for everyone.

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All trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.
Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the Oregon Classifieds Terms of Use.

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