![]() Terms of Use & Guidelines
Property, Rentals, Professionals, and Member Listing Guidelines All listings are stored in a database which makes it very easy to add your listings. Several fields provide choices via dropdown menus or yes/no options. There are however text areas where you will be adding large amounts of text.
Each add form contains various fields for submitting your listing. Required fields are denoted by an asterisk. Most of these fields are optional, although filling in more information will help in the success of your listing.
Very important if you prepare your listing text off line.
If your information is stored in a word processor simple save the file as a text file and then copy the text into the field(s) provided! This will remove any extra spaces and hidden characters which are created in word processing programs. Failing to do so will result in extra formatting codes and spaces being added to your record. This could cause problems for your record and the database.
Your description must NOT include HTML tags. Display pages are pre-formatted for a nice layout. When you want to include a paragraph break simply enter a carriage return (hit Enter Key) and the script will automatically add these breaks in the display of the description fields. Remove any extra spaces at the end of paragraphs!.
Special Characters: - Be sure to AVOID using: "" @ # % $ ^ & *. These characters may not display properly in all browsers.
Graphic guidelines:
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Terms & Agreement of Use: By registering to use A1 Realty Listings you are agreeing to abide by our Terms of Use.
View our Payment Options In return for posting your listing(s), you agree that it is in compliance with our guidelines. We do not wish to censor or police the listings being posted here, nor do we have the time to monitor every posting. In order to prevent abuses by a few people and to keep this forum comfortable and appropriate for our general audience, which includes people of all ages, races, religions, and nationalities, we reserve the right to remove any listings in violation of our guidelines that are brought to our attention. Therefore, all listings that are in violation of our guidelines are subject to being removed immediately and without prior notice. By posting a listing here, you agree to the following statement: I agree that I will be solely responsible for the content of all listings that I post under this program and that I will indemnify A1 Realty Listings and hold it harmless for any losses or damages to myself or to others that may result directly or indirectly from any listings that I post here. I understand that if my listing violates the Terms of Use (TOS) my listing will be deleted and no refund will be provided. By posting a listing here, you further agree to the following guidelines:
Thank you. We hope that these terms of use and guidelines will make the A1 Realty Listings enjoyable for everyone. A1 Realty Listings Disclaimer: All A1 Realty Listings services are provided "As Is" and no representations or warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or of any other nature are made with respect to this service or to any product referred to in this information. A1 Realty Listings does not warrant that the web site will operate or perform in a manner that is uninterrupted or error free, or that the web site or host server will be maintained. All information provided is deemed reliable but should be verified.
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